Sudden Stop Motorcycle Accidents

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Sudden stop motorcycle accidents, including open door accidents for motorcycles, occur in the blink of an eye, and can often be avoided with cautious driving, reduced speeds in traffic, and adequate space. In the state of California, the fault of a sudden stop accident lies with the driver who rear-ends the vehicle in front of them. However, individual cases are settled or judged based on specifics of each accident including external factors.

Reckless or negligent driving includes tailgating, and not leaving enough space while driving. Unforeseen obstacles, like quick light changes, shredded tires in the road, fallen branches, car break downs, can all cause sudden stop motorcycle accidents. However, if a driver who was hit, was driving recklessly, they may be at fault for their own injuries as well as the injuries of others involved in an accident.

Negligent driving may include, but is not limited to:

  • Failing to obey driving laws
  • Failing to use the vehicle’s equipment properly
  • Texting while driving
  • Talking on the phone without the proper wireless equipment
  • Eating while driving

Driving schools and safety pamphlets encourage motorists to leave adequate space between vehicles to avoid rear-ending any vehicle as a safety precaution to avoiding accidents. If you are hit in a sudden stop motorcycle accident, you may be entitled to monetary compensation for pain, loss, and damages. Especially because sudden stop motorcycle collisions often throw a rider from his or her motorcycle because of the immediate deceleration.

Sudden stop motorcycle accident injuries may include, but are not limited to:

  • Minor Injuries
  • Road Rash
  • Fractures
  • Scraps, Bruising, and General Soreness
  • Whiplash Injuries
  • Spine, Back, and Neck Injuries
  • Concussions
  • Loss of Limbs/Amputation
  • Broken Bones
  • Nerve Damage
  • Disfigurement
  • Internal Bleeding or Organ Damage

Personal injury compensation for motorcycle accident injuries helps to reimburse: medical expenses including surgeries, medications, and physical therapies; lost wages; damages to the motorcycle or equipment; and emotional distress caused from the accident. Contacting a personal injury attorney or The Best Motorcycle Lawyers may help strengthen individual cases in motorcycle accidents. At the Law Offices of Burg and Brock, the team of professional, highly experienced.

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