Left-Turn Motorcycle Accidents

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One of the most dangerous causes of motorcycle accidents is left hand turns. Whether it be a motorcycle making a left turn, or a car making a left turn, the results are often devastating for motorcyclists. Left-turn motorcycle accidents can be especially dangerous, as riders typically have less protection on the sides of their motorcycles, and t-boning can be cause permanent injury and even death. While the law may clearly state that drivers must yield the right of way until the turn can be made with reasonable safety, motorcycle accident cases can still maintain a high level of ambiguity in court. Unfortunately, motorcyclists are often falsely accused of negligence or reckless driving, even when not at fault, due to cars having lower-cost damages.

Don’t let the insurance companies take advantage of you or your family; seek the counsel and representation of an experiencedmotorcycle accident lawyer or motorcycle attorney. The best motorcycle lawyers and attorneys at The Law Offices of Burg & Brock have won their clients over $100 million (not sure of the exact figure, but lets place it here?) in settlements and damages.

Some injuries that have resulted from left-hand turn motorcycle accidents include, but are not limited to:

  • Head injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Paralysis
  • Loss of limbs
  • Death

Left turn motorcycle accidents are alarmingly common. The sad fact remains that drivers are not as aware of motorcycle riders as they need to be. If you or a loved one has been injured in a left-turn motorcycle accident, contact The Law Offices of Burg & Brock. Our aggressive attorneys will focus on winning your case while you recuperate.

Some of the damages you may be eligible for include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Hospital bills
  • Extensive treatment (physical therapy, chiropractics, etc.)
  • Loss of wages
  • Loss of earning power
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional Distress
  • Depression, anxiety, or PTSD

The Law Offices of Burg & Brock have best motorcycle lawyers, who will not rest until you’ve gotten the maximum compensation and judicial satisfaction.

What can you expect from the best motorcycle lawyers?

  • Aggressive representation
  • Maximum compensation
  • Personal and attentive case updates
  • Competent and efficient methods of communication
  • Maintaining whatever level of involvement that you comfortable with

Need Legal Assistance - Do You Have a Claim? Feel free to get in touch with any enquiries and one of our friendly members of staff will get back to you as soon as possible.

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