Fatal Motorcycle Accidents

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Perks of Being a Motorcyclist
An automobilist’s perception of the road changes while on a motorcycle versus inside the metal framework of a car. Motorcyclists feel the blowing of the cold winter air, smell the freshly loosened soil while driving past the farmlands on Interstate 5, and hear the ringing of bicycle bells on city streets. However, while motorcycling provides a liberating experience, it also poses an immense danger.

What Can Cause a Fatal Motorcycle Accident?
There are various causes of fatal motorcycle accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), undivided roads (such as freeways with no center divider/median) and speeding are two of the main causes of motorcycle accidents. Roads with no divider create an opportunity for head-on collisions, especially when speeding is involved. Generally, speeding motorcyclists run off the road or hit another vehicle—either by side-swiping or rear-ending.

Another main cause of fatal motorcycle accidents for automobilists and motorcyclists alike is broadcasted daily in the media—the lack of attention to the road while driving. Oftentimes, while driving on a monotonous road, drivers’ minds can travel off to distant places—day dreaming of lounging on a beach in the Caribbean or sight-seeing in Europe. A split second driving distraction can result in a fatal accident especially for motorcyclists, which are some of the most vulnerable motorists on the road. Other mediums that cause fatal motorcycle accidents include other drivers, alcohol and/or other drugs, unsafe roadway conditions, and faulty motorcycle equipment.

What Can Cause a Fatal Motorcycle Accident?

There are various causes of fatal motorcycle accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), undivided roads (such as freeways with no center divider/median) and speeding are two of the main causes of motorcycle accidents. Roads with no divider create an opportunity for head-on collisions, especially when speeding is involved. Generally, speeding motorcyclists run off the road or hit another vehicle—either by side-swiping or rear-ending. Another main cause of fatal motorcycle accidents for automobilists and motorcyclists alike is broadcasted daily in the media—the lack of attention to the road while driving. Oftentimes, while driving on a monotonous road, drivers’ minds can travel off to distant places—day dreaming of lounging on a beach in the Caribbean or sight-seeing in Europe. A split second driving distraction can result in a fatal accident especially for motorcyclists, which are some of the most vulnerable motorists on the road. Other mediums that cause fatal motorcycle accidents include other drivers, alcohol and/or other drugs, unsafe roadway conditions, and faulty motorcycle equipment.

How to Protect Yourself against Fatal Motorcycle Accidents
While it is practically impossible to control other peoples’ driving, there are various safety precautions to implement to help avoid fatal motorcycle accidents, such as wearing proper safety gear, which includes a helmet with face protection, abrasion-resistant jacket and pants, chest protector, hearing protection against engine and wind exposure, proper footwear, and gloves. The most important thing is for motorcyclists to remain alert while driving and to try stay on guard for any situation that may put them in danger of an accident. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)’s provides more information for motorcyclists on their website

What to do if Someone You Know was involved in a Fatal Motorcycle Accident
If you are the witness of a motorcycle accident, immediately call 911 for assistance and heed the operator’s directions. Fatal motorcycle accidents take the life—or lives—of loved ones far too soon. If you are a family member or friend of a victim of a fatal motorcycle accident, it is important that you seek assistance and guidance of The Best Motorcycle Lawyer, who will fight for your case and provide as much support necessary to help you begin putting the broken pieces back together.

The Law Offices of Burg & Brock will evaluate your case for free and with no obligations. If you have questions or would like to talk to someone, The Law Offices of Burg & Brock have experienced and professional lawyers standing by waiting to talk to you.

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