Faulty Motorcycle Equipment

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Importance of Motorcycle Safety Gear:
Most motorcycle accidents involve a head-on collision with another vehicle, creating a deadly and life altering event. Because motorcycle riders are exposed with less protective equipment than other vehicle drivers and passengers, motorcycle accidents have an extremely high fatality rate, especially when compared to other two-vehicle collisions. The safety equipment and gear that motorcycle riders wear offers the only protection against the hazardous accidents of high speeds and rough pavements. Some motorcyclists refuse to wear helmets for multiple reasons, arguing that a helmet makes it difficult to hear the noise of traffic and increases the difficulty of visibility of lane changes. In a study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration regarding the obstruction of hearing and visibility by motorcycle helmets, the study proved that helmets do not interfere with hearing and visibility for bikers. Motorcycle helmets increase the probability of safety and survival by roughly 33% if an accident was to occur. Helmets do not guarantee safety but only increase the likelihood of preventing serious injuries of the face, brain, and spinal cord.

As attorneys, The Best Motorcycle Lawyers strive to protect their clients: lawfully, financially, and even physically. Sometimes accidents cannot be prevented, but safety equipment can help to mitigate the physical damage caused by a motorcycle collision. Lawyers should encourage clients and potential clients alike to wear:

  • Motorcycle Helmet (with a protective face shield )
  • Gloves
  • Protective Pants
  • Riding Boots

For more information regarding statistics of motorcycle safety geared towards motorcycle helmets, please follow the link by clicking HERE

Defective or Faulty Motorcycle Equipment:
All motorcycle riders should wear protective gear as the best, and sometimes only, form of safety on the road. Rarely, but at times the safety equipment and motorcycle gear is faulty and does not function as originally designed or manufactured. When a motorcycle accident occurs and safety equipment or the motorcycle fails to function properly, motorcyclists may be entitled to compensation for any injuries, medical expenses, and repairs owed to them by the company and/or manufacturer. The Best Motorcycle Lawyers have experience seeking monetary compensation on behalf of their clients for faulty and defective motorcycles and safety equipment.

Our goal is to protect motorcycle riders even before an accident occurs, encouraging them to use the proper safety equipment. Helmets save lives for motorcycle riders who are unfortunate victims in vehicle accidents. If you or a loved one were victims in a motorcycle accident, call The Best Motorcycle Lawyers for a free consultation to discuss the facts of individual cases.

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