Alcohol/Drug Related Motorcycle Accidents

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Motorcycle accidents are more fatal than other vehicle collisions because of the exposure and lack of protection that a motorcycle offers. Individuals who consume alcohol or use illegal drugs, and then interact with pedestrians, bikers, or drivers, endanger the lives of other people on the road. In 2011, the United States National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, otherwise referred to as the NHTSA, collected data and created statistics pertaining to motorcycle accidents included alcohol-related motorcycle accidents.

By Definition, an accident that is categorized as Alcohol-Related Accident, involves a driver or pedestrian that has a Blood Alcohol Concentration, or BAC, of 0.01 or higher. For example, if a sober motorist hits an intoxicated pedestrian, by definition this is an alcohol-related accident. In contrary, an Alcohol-Caused Accident includes any accident where an intoxicated driver or motorcycle rider, with a BAC of 0.01 g/dl or higher, causes a collision.The NHTSA concluded that with 4,323 motorcycle deaths in 2011, roughly 30% of motorcyclists’ fatalities occurred in alcohol-caused accidents with riders having a BAC of 0.8 or higher. Such high motorcycle rider’s BAC For more information provided by the NHTSA in relation to motorcycle safety and statistics, please ready more by clicking HERE.

Impaired motorcycle riding never is never a safe or intelligent decision. Impaired driving may lead to serious consequences including but not limited to:

  • Fatalities
  • Arrests and Jail Time
  • Penalties
  • Revoked Driver’s License
  • Expensive Fines
  • Court and Lawyer Fees

Compensation for:

  • Damages
  • Injuries
  • Medical Expenses
  • Physical Therapies
  • Emotional Distress
  • Lost Wages
  • Loss of Earning Power



Alcohol increases the risk of accidents and decreases motorcyclists and other vehicle drivers’ safety. If you or someone you love has been injured in an alcohol-related or alcohol-caused motorcycle accident, please contact a personal injury attorney for the best possible defense. The Best Motorcycle Lawyers have experience with settling motorcycle accidents including alcohol-related and alcohol-caused motorcycle accidents. Contacting a professional personal injury attorney immediately can increase a motorcycle rider’s chances of receiving adequate compensation if injured in an accident.

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