Intersection Motorcycle Accidents

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Many motorcycle accidents occur in intersections when people fail to obey the rules of the road or fail to be cautious of others. Speeding through an intersection, quick lane changes, turning from the incorrect lane, and failing to yield to others create hazards for vehicle drivers and motorcycle riders on the road. In order to prevent accidents from occurring, drivers and motorists should leave adequate space, which allows for additional time and additional options to make a safe reaction to other drivers. Unlike straight highways or freeways, intersections exist with traffic flowing in multiple directions. When an individual driver fails to obey traffic signs and regulations, other motorists are at risk of injuries due to accidents.

Intersection Motorcycle Accidents often lead to both minor and serious injuries.

Minor Injuries may include:

  • Minor Breaks
  • Sprains and Fractures
  • Cuts, Scrapes, and Bruising
  • Road Rash
  • Soreness
  • Surface Nerve Damage

Serious Injuries may include:

  • Amputations
  • Brain or Spinal Injuries including Paralysis
  • Internal Bleeding or Organ Damage
  • Serious Nerve Damage
  • Disfigurement

For motorcycle riders, this risk of intersection motorcycle accidents greatly increases in large intersections where drivers are negligent to other surrounding vehicles. Safety information warns motorcycle riders from quickly accelerating into and decelerating out of an intersection, because sudden changes in speed may confuse surrounding motorists. In addition, motorcycle riders should not share a lane with another motorcyclist in order to allow a safer range of space while reducing the risk of danger for both bikers.

Intersection motorcycle accidents often occur when someone makes a left turn, and fails to yield to other vehicles on the road. To prevent serious injuries, motorcycle riders are cautioned to either shadow another vehicle turning, as a form of protection or to position the motorcycle in the open so passing vehicle drivers have easy visibility of any motorcycle riders. Studies have shown that brightly colored, larger, and louder motorcycles are easier to identify in traffic and intersections offering a form of safety.

By following the California driving regulations, motorcycle riders can hope to avoid intersection collisions that may result in serious accidents. Motorcycle accidents prove some of the more fatal and more common than those motorcycle accidents that occur on freeways.

Intersection motorcycle accidents may occur for the following reasons:

  • Distracted driving
  • Driver negligence
  • Failing to yield the right-of-way
  • Unsafe lane changes
  • Drunk or impaired driving

If you, or a loved one, have been injured in an intersection motorcycle accident, consult a professional personal injury attorney at the Law Offices of Burg and Brock to discuss facts pertaining to individual cases. The Best Motorcycle Lawyers in Los Angeles’ Southern California have the experience and resources to seek financial compensation for clients for injuries, medical expenses, damages, and emotional distress.

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